Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Crankenstein Halloween!

In anticipation of Halloween coming up we read Crankenstein by Samantha Berger.  This very funny book details the events that make this Crankenstein very cranky.  In the end, you find out the main character is just a boy.  We had a great and humorous discussion about how we can all get cranky from time to time.  The class brainstormed different ideas for what turns them into Crankensteins.  The students made their own Crankensteins and wrote about what makes them most cranky! 


Happy Halloween from the 2nd Grade!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Comfy Cozy Day

Last week we earned that final banana to make a banana bingo!  This is always so exciting, and the class couldn't wait to brainstorm a list of possible ways to celebrate this.  The class ultimately voted on comfy cozy day.  The students were able to wear comfy clothes or pajamas.  They also brought in additional items like blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.  We were able to do all of our learning in a very comfy classroom on Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Daily 5

We use the structure of Daily 5 for our reading block.  This structure teaches the children to make independent work choices that help them grow as readers and writers.  In 2nd grade we have 3 rounds of Daily 5 everyday.  I meet with a group of students each round to work on reading skills and strategies, writing, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension.  When not meeting with me, the students choose from read to self, read to someone, work on writing, word work, or listen to reading.

Each choice was introduced slowly at the beginning of the year with an emphasis on building habits to help make us as successful as possible.  We revisit these expectations often of staying focused, working quietly, and reading or writing the whole time.

Our Daily 5 block opens up everyday with a read aloud in which we focus on a skill or strategy for the students to be using and practicing in their own reading.  We are currently working on word attack strategies to help us work through tricky words in text.  A few examples are "chunky monkey" which means to look for chunks in the word you may know or "skippy scott" which means to skip over the word and read the rest of the sentence to gain some context clues to help out.

The students are doing a fantastic job in Daily 5.  They are excited about books and reading!  There is nothing that makes me happier than students rushing up to me with a book they just have to share, or to tell me about making it through a tricky word, or that they finished a story they've worked really hard on!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fire Prevention Week

This year the theme for Fire Prevention Week is "Hear the Beep Where You Sleep."  We discussed the importance of fire alarms in our homes.  We also talked about making a fire exit plan with your family in case of a fire.  On Friday we walked down to the fire station to learn about the equipment the firefighters use.  Thank you to the Lanesboro Fire Department for the tour!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Math Mania!

We have been working hard and being creative in our math block this week!  Two skills the students have been reviewing are odd and even numbers and the doubles facts.  At the beginning of our week the students made these super fun odd and even monsters.

At the end of our our week, we reviewed odd and even numbers along with pictographs while using M&M's.

Since the beginning of the year we've been practicing the doubles rap.  We came up with the idea of taping ourselves performing the rap to share with our families.  This was taped on Friday, and the students were so excited to dress the part. Enjoy the video below!