Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mystery Reader 6!

"I live on a farm.  I work in Lanesboro.  My favorite authors growing up were Laura Ingalls Wilder and Beverly Cleary."

Nobody guessed that our Mystery Reader was Mrs. Stocker.  Mrs. Stocker is so incredibly kind to come to volunteer in our classroom once a week.  Our class adores her enthusiasm and sense of humor.  She brought in her childhood set of "Little House on the Prairie" books and a few of her favorites from Beverly Cleary.  Mrs. Stocker is a lover of books, and this is such a great message to the students to treasure books!

Thanks so much Mrs. Stocker!  We love having you in our classroom!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Banana Bingo Celebration

For our most recent Banana Bingo celebration the class voted for lunch in the classroom.  Coming up to the classroom to have lunch with your friends is always an extra treat.  Lunch also turned into a small dance party!  These 2nd graders love to dance!  I think they may have done more dancing than eating!

Mystery Reader 5!

Today's Mystery Reader stumped the class!  Scooby Doo was her favorite show growing up, her favorite children's book was The Boxcar Children, and her favorite pastime is reading because it takes you anywhere you want to go.

A few students guessed their parents because they remembered them liking Scooby Doo, but nobody guessed this particular mom!  She shared a very special book among her family: "The Story of Ferdinand."  She also shared a Dr. Suess tongue twister of a book that she reads with her son.  To end her time with us, she surprised her son with an early birthday treat to share with the class since he has a late summer birthday.

Thanks so much for spending some time in second grade with us!  What a great way to end our week!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Mystery Reader #4!

Our 4th Mystery Reader is an artist, who has a child who dresses creatively, and she loves boots. One student was so excited to hear these clues and felt there was a really good possibility it would be her mom walking through our door to share a story with us.  She was right!  Her mom shared "Frederick" by Leo Lionni.  This book was a great choice as it is a favorite for this mom and daughter.  Thanks so much for stopping by to share this beautiful story.  You made your daughter's day, and we enjoyed listening to you read! We also loved your boots!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mystery Reader 3: A Former Student and Big Brother

This Mystery Reader revealed that he was in Mrs. Howard's class for 2 years, his favorite sport is baseball, and he loves reading.  I was thrilled when Peyton came to me and said he wanted to be a Mystery Reader.  Peyton was such an awesome student to have as both a 1st grader and 2nd grader.  He was a hard worker who loved all things non-fiction.  He's been an avid reader ever since 1st grade!  It was great to have you back in our room to share a story all about dogs with our class!
I love little brother's face here!  Look how happy he is to have his big brother surprise us!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mystery Reader 2!

This Mystery Reader is a teacher who loves sports and also coaches.  He also happened to be on spring break this last week so coming into 2nd grade to share a story was perfect timing.  Although there were a few other guesses of Mr. Semmen or Mr. Clarke, it was actually Mr. Howard.

He read "Randy Riley's Really Big Hit" by Chris Van Dusen.  Mr. Howard chose this book because it was about sports but also physics.  Since he is a physics teacher, it was a perfect choice!

Thanks for stopping by Mr. Howard!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Properties of Matter

This week we learned about the properties of matter.  We've already learned that everything is made of matter and distinguished the difference between the molecules in a solid, liquid, and gas.  The students had a lot of fun acting out the tightly packed slow moving molecules in a solid, the more spread out molecules of a liquid, and the highly energetic molecules in a gas.

The properties of matter is what makes everything different from each other.  From taste, to sound, to texture, and size, and much more.  We explored the properties of a trail mix to document the different properties we observed in a pretzel, marshmallow, M&M, and a goldfish cracker.

On Friday we took it a step further and focused on density.  This can be a tough topic to completely understand as a young student.  We defined it as how much matter is packed into an item.  An example was given of an empty car.  The car was then filled with a whole bunch of kids.  That car is now more dense.

We learned that more dense items will be heavier than less dense items.  Using this concept, we made a rainbow in a jar.  We had to layer the liquids based on most to least dense.  The last layer is the trickiest because it's very easy for the olive oil and the rubbing alcohol to mix.  The students loved putting our rainbow together and watching the layers form!

They want to try it again on Monday!  I will send home directions with the kids in case anyone wants to give it a try at home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mystery Reader 1!

Our first mystery reader has a dog, has only been in 3 states, and loves the movie "The Game Stands Tall."

A few students guessed their dads or their grandpas.  Some thought it was maybe Mrs. Swier until she said that she's been in many states.

Our first mystery reader was Mason!  As soon as he saw that it was time for our mystery readers to begin he knew he wanted to be the first one.  He read "Dog vs. Cat" by Chris Gall, and he did such a great job!  Mason was so interactive with the class as he asked them to draw on their own experiences with pets.  I loved having you visit 2nd grade for a short while Mason!